Tag Archives: walking


…has been a bit rough-and-tumble in the last few weeks…however, I should be on the mend now, hopefully.

By doctor’s orders I’m supposed to have as much outdoor excercise as I can- which is an easy thing to do at the moment: all around there are news of gale-force winds and terrible downpours – and we are having quiet, peaceful autumn days here down by the riverside.

Which led to some beautiful autumn walks…

…and a Saturday spent at Lake Constance – great views, not so great food at a very touristy place in Meersburg and a lovely walk through the vinyards.

Knitting related news: I finished “Miss Winkle” by Martina Behm (http://strickmich.frischetexte.de/shop/shop-misswinkle) and am just waiting for it to dry to show you some pics. Blocking is fun on this project, as it involves the abuse of household appliances, in this case a broomstick…

For Miss Winkle, I used Ponderosa Wool (http://de.dawanda.com/shop/PondeRosa-Wolle), just a simple sock wool blend, but it was nice to knit with, and the colourway – called “very British” of all things! – is beautiful.

My pic for today: some Autumn finds which remind me of the lovely walk I had today, up on the hills overlooking the town…

Autumn finds 4

current mood: are things getting better?
current soundtrack: Laura Marling – Alpha Shallows
currently on the needles: Mormorio by Heather Zoppetti, Strandwanderer by Lea Victoria,

Now…to the knitty stuff…

…I am very far from being more than a casual knitter, and have only recently returned to knitting  after years of absconding…however I’m enjoying it immensely. I am still wondering why this simple movement of two needles which produces (sometimes) something wearable is providing me with so much pleasure and entertainment…

…then, on the other hand, I discovered recently that I’m much more able to concentrate whilst I’m doodleling – a habit which is considered at least impolite by some, and very offensive by other people.

I guess there is a connection between the two – something about keeping your hands busy to allow the brain to process information or something – any brain scientist out there who might be able to shed some light on this?

Anyway: this is what I’ve been working on since this summer:

solar dyeing – something fabulous in my opinion, if you have little time and are willing to deal with surprises – you put stuff into a jar and leave it in the sun for two weeks…you’ll find lots of information on the net, for example here:


or here:


also, there are some groups for natural dyeing wool on ravelry, both in English and in German

Knitwise, I have finished my Hitchhiker on my way to France, and have currently a lot of stuff on the needles:

I am also suffering a severe case of “starteritis”, and I’m only glad that the lovely women of my local knitting group – and hopefully this blog! – are teaching me some perseverance…on the other hand: because of my parallel knitting several things, I had a time in June in which I finished about three pair of socks and a scarf within two weeks…

Some more, not knitting related news: We went for a walk yesterday – we had the first bit of sunshine for about a week, discovered a lot of nice spots in the Black Forest…my fellow knitting retreat guests would have loved all the funghi we discovered…

in the end, we went to a cafe with yummy cakes, salads and coffee…


and then this happened:


…I was definitely not amused, as you can imagine…no knitting for about three hours!

…but it was a lovely sunday nonetheless 🙂