Tag Archives: a pic a day


…has been a bit rough-and-tumble in the last few weeks…however, I should be on the mend now, hopefully.

By doctor’s orders I’m supposed to have as much outdoor excercise as I can- which is an easy thing to do at the moment: all around there are news of gale-force winds and terrible downpours – and we are having quiet, peaceful autumn days here down by the riverside.

Which led to some beautiful autumn walks…

…and a Saturday spent at Lake Constance – great views, not so great food at a very touristy place in Meersburg and a lovely walk through the vinyards.

Knitting related news: I finished “Miss Winkle” by Martina Behm (http://strickmich.frischetexte.de/shop/shop-misswinkle) and am just waiting for it to dry to show you some pics. Blocking is fun on this project, as it involves the abuse of household appliances, in this case a broomstick…

For Miss Winkle, I used Ponderosa Wool (http://de.dawanda.com/shop/PondeRosa-Wolle), just a simple sock wool blend, but it was nice to knit with, and the colourway – called “very British” of all things! – is beautiful.

My pic for today: some Autumn finds which remind me of the lovely walk I had today, up on the hills overlooking the town…

Autumn finds 4

current mood: are things getting better?
current soundtrack: Laura Marling – Alpha Shallows
currently on the needles: Mormorio by Heather Zoppetti, Strandwanderer by Lea Victoria,

…just a little reminder…

…for myself, and everyone else who’s in need of it

Just do...

current mood: very quiet
current soundtrack: Agnes Obel – Aventine
currently on the needles: Miss Winkle by Martina Behm, Mormorio by Heather Zoppetti, Strandwanderer by Lea Victoria,