Tag Archives: Christmas


There is a strange Christmas thing going on around me. Every year, family and friends all around me (including myself) are getting fed up with that huge machinerie of shopping and consumerism around Christmas and we all agree: “we are not going to give presents this year, aren’t we?” – however, on Christmas day, most of us still end up with giving each other “just a tiny little thing I saw and just had to get for you”…

Don’t get me wrong, I love presents (receiving them and giving them, in particular since I re-discovered knitting), I’m just wondering what this urge on Christmas is about. I guess it has something to do with the rituals around Christmas, the candles, a Christmas tree, the snow, Christmas songs, the smell of cinnamon and cloves, Christmas markets.

Now that I’m writing about it, I think Christmas is a very “physical” thing: it’s all about the senses: lights, smells, food, sounds – and a physical present to unwrap is just in line with that…and although from an intellectual point of view I might be able to “understand” it all, my heart still yearns for these rituals…which is something different to getting caught up in a shopping spree in a desperate attempt to find the right present for everyone.

I like the idea of that – which is why I’m off now and can’t post any WIP pictures…not giving away any Christmas secrets, you know.

Oh, just one more thing: had a lovely walk yesterday, despite the rain,...and funny enough, the colours I found outside were the same as my current project’s…so I’m up to date with my knitting, it seems.

current mood: wrapping up

current soundtrack: Shantel – Dunarea

current projects: that’s a secret now…